
Sennheiser hd600 sonarworks reference 4 subpac s2
Sennheiser hd600 sonarworks reference 4 subpac s2

sennheiser hd600 sonarworks reference 4 subpac s2

I didn’t bother thinking about this, but I don’t want to get yelled at by people who understand it. But hey, it exists and is apparently measurable. Damping factor is apparently a thing and I don’t understand it.But you also want to make sure your speakers get loud enough. It’s a pain to have to much gain and have to live in a tiny area on your volume knob. Similarly, speakers can have very different sensitivities. You see power amps with anywhere from 6db to 32db. Gain- get enough gain, but not too much.It’s relatively easy to find mid-powered amps that support 2-8ohms, but it’s something to pay attention to on the spec sheet. If your speaker has dips to 2ohms in the middle of its range and your amp isn’t capable of maintaining current, you can get suckouts in those areas.

sennheiser hd600 sonarworks reference 4 subpac s2

They may be “nominally” 4 or 8 ohms, but there can be significant deviation from this especially in the crossover region.

  • Look at the impedance measurements across the whole frequency sweep for your speakers.
  • Having said all this, you probably don’t need stupid power, but be careful with those <20W receivers. While you can definitely drive speakers at volume without necessarily feeding them enough power, you’ll probably notice cymbals and things sounding a little choked and possibly a collapsed soundstage. Also recall that you mainly need power as headroom for transients, rather than constant loudness. There are inverse square laws at play, so based on your preferred listening volume and distance from the speaker, you might find that the required power is actually quite high.
  • Sensitivity at your listening distance- make sure the amp supplies enough power to get you comfortable volume at your listening position.
  • sennheiser hd600 sonarworks reference 4 subpac s2

    There are a couple major factors to keep in mind: Speakers can be very different from one another, mainly in terms of power requirements.

    Sennheiser hd600 sonarworks reference 4 subpac s2